Sunday, March 5, 2017


Process of starting a larger loom, since I want to continue what I have been doing so far. I want to have a lot of these to be hanging from the ceiling all different lengths, sizes, and colors, so I used a large painting I had..(isn't it lovely) 

Adding some different textures and materials, playing with them, deciding where I want to go with this piece.

Added some rope that I found, and removed that white fabric on the bottom. 


I've also been working with plaster, first I made a mold of my foot with alignate, and casted it in plaster, which I then plan to hang from a chain. Which is why I added another layer of of plaster to the top of the foot  trying to make it look like bones, so I can drill into and put in a hook.  
(plaster in the mold)

I still need to sand the feet to get rid of the bubbles and bumps. 
I haven't decided if I should add blood to the feet or not. I kind of like the simple white. 

I also tried to mold of my hand but was a failure and all the fingers broke in the mold, I tried fixing them by reattaching them with plaster but since all the fingers were different sizes and didn't sit straight so they didn't attach perfectly in place. So I think it would be easier to make another mold, when I get more alginate. 


But for my larger piece I'm using two of my materials, chicken wire and plaster. So I plan on doing the plaster layup process. Which I have done once before and failed horribly, so I really want to work hard with this, I'm not to great with plaster so it's been fun exploring the material. As well as the chicken wire I would love to do just a chicken wire piece but since it is see thru I would need many layers and don't know if I'm able to afford that much chicken wire. 

For this I did want to change the color of the plaster, so I started out putting in food coloring in the water, and then added the plaster. 

I thought I added enough color but once I started to mix the plaster it became very light, and pinkish. 
I don't mind it for the undercoat, but I would like to make the more finished piece darker in color. 
So I will be exploring other ways to dye the plaster with out it getting to light in color.

Adding the plaster to Burlap and then putting it onto my meat formed, chicken wire.
Was unable to get a good picture of just the chicken wire because it is see thru. 
But this is the start of my process. 

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