Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Final Critique

My bear bust,

Not exactly sure how I feel about this piece I definitely think it needs more work.


Meat sculpture more done (dont have many pictures of it because I left it at school in basement)

Process of final piece

Donald Trump just made it legal to shoot and kill hibernating bears in Alaska.
Hunters can also now use aircraft to track and shoot the bears, after the Obama-era wildlife protection laws were repealed by the current administration.

Gross moment woman has infected dermal filler squeezed from forehead
Under the previous law introduced by Barack Obama, it was illegal for hunters to use aggressive tactics.
These included trapping wolves while they were at their dens with cubs, tracking bears with aircraft, killing bears that were hibernating, luring bears with food to kill them at point-blank range, or trapping bears with wire snares.

But a new bill has now been passed through the House and the Senate, and was signed off by President Trump this week, which repeals that law.
Alaska is home to 16 national wildlife refuges, which together cover 76 million acres of land.

Which inspired me to make a piece for the poor bears I want to make a bust of a bear (the bears head) I am not going to give him eyes or any identifying features. I want it to represent how now hunters are aloud to go shoot and kill hibernating animals and their babies. I think this is a disgusting act. It needs to be stopped!


Made a basic bear shape with chicken wire, very hard to see the chicken wire in the picture but it is there. 

 Then started to cover it with burlap and plaster

Then decided to spray paint it 

Finally added a Gun shot wound to the head.

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Critique 5

(By mistake I thought this was a resolved piece critique and worked on resolving this one piece or two if you count the sponge purse. 😜 )

'Fish out of Water'

-Recycled netting, shells, sponge, and hooks-

Front of Dress 

back of dress

Only good picture I really have of the back of the dress with the hook.


I have a bunch of scraps of fish netting so I decided to stitch it together and make a dress with it. My idea with it is to show a person wrapped up and trapped in a fish net. Kind of like a contradiction because usually the person would be setting the nets and catching the fish, I want to add shells and hooks and corals and other things in the net showing the pain fish endure and also all the other things the fishnets pick up, they don't only pick up the fish they want they want, so much more is trapped in those nets.
 Bottom trawling is an industrial fishing method where a large net with heavy weights is dragged across the seafloor, scooping up everything in its path – from the targeted fish to the incidentally caught centuries-old corals. Bottom trawls are used in catching marine life that live on the seafloor, such as shrimp, cod, sole and flounder. Bottom trawling is unselective and severely damaging to seafloor ecosystems. The net indiscriminately catches every life and object it encounters. Thus, many creatures end up mistakenly caught and thrown overboard dead or dying, including endangered fish and even vulnerable deep-sea corals which can live for several hundred years. This collateral damage, called bycatch, can amount to 90% of a trawl’s total catch. In addition, the weight and width of a bottom trawl can destroy large areas of seafloor habitats that give marine species food and shelter. Such habitat destructions can leave the marine ecosystem permanently damaged.

Started by cutting the nets into pieces that I could work with easier and then stitched them together to make the basic shape that I wanted. Just to start with so I can improve it with more nets. 

I then started adding more layers of netting to make it thicker and less see thru. And I attached a huge hook to the back of the dress sort of being like the person was caught.

I then decided to change the directions of the netting to make it more stylized. I then started to add shells and hooks to the dress. I'm still in the process of getting more shells, hooks an bobers to cover the dress in. Also still need to stitch up a few more places that I have held together with clips.

I also have this old sponge I found a while back on a beach and wanted to use it, maybe as a purse to go with the dress.

(Sorry for the thing in the background kind of matches the netting and makes it hard to see the dress)