You are required to visit at least one craftsperson/business that relates to this week's material, and to document your trip. The goal of this exercise is to begin the practice of developing relationships the will help you to grow technically. and to execute your ideas. This is a common thing artists do outside of school.
On your blog, please document with photos and a brief description. The goal and outcome of your visit. Due Feb 28th (before class).
I visited an old family members workshop, he is a very knowledgeable man, he taught me a lot about making molds, welding, metal making, and working with concrete and plaster. He gave me a lot of molding materials to use, and a whole tub of plaster (which I used all of and made tons of mistakes) he also gave me some nice old chains, which I plan on using soon. Since my materials are chicken wire and plaster he gave me an old bucket to make some molds in which I then put plaster in. With the chains he gave me I want to make a meat like shape out of chicken wire hanging off the chain and then do the plaster layup process, I plan on doing that later this week I don't know how long that will take considering I have to wait for the plaster to dry in between layers. Also gave me a lot of tips to make a bone like shape with the plaster, which is what I wanted to do. He also has a lot of other equipment that is great for future artworks, including a table saw, a ban saw, drills, tons of wood, plaster, burlap, wire, and so much.

My first mold filled with plaster, and as you will see below it was a huge mess.
My first mold filled with plaster, and as you will see below it was a huge mess.